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September 25, 2009


Shannon Esposito

lol, I don't think it will matter to Caitlin. I think once she considered herself the victor, the matter was closed to her. Sweet how the...nanny?...still tried to make her happy, making herself uncomfortable in the process. Charming flash.

Laura Eno

Well, at Caitlin's age, her decrees are always right. :)

dan powell

Excellent use of dialogue. The pov is spot on too. Great fiction is always about conflict and characters. This has a lovely conflict and lovely characters. Probably the most enjoyable friday flash you have posted to date. Loved it.


I was a little confused about the relevance of the salad aversion, it all becomes clear now!

Very enjoyable read :)


Thanks for commenting on my blog two weeks ago. Just wanted to let you know that I incorporated some of your comments into my new entry. Drop by if you get the chance!


Good stuff. You really got your characters across via the dialogue. A nice example of the "show don't tell" admonishment.

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